The Demographics Dashboard includes basic demographic information about your community covering various topics including, but not limited to, population characteristics, education, and poverty. This standard demographics dashboard is modeled after the U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts, and the data is updated annually.
We also offer more detailed demographics data from Claritas. Please contact your account manager if you would like to discuss purchasing the Claritas Pop-Facts® demographics.
Demographics Dashboard Core Indicators | ||||
Indicator Title | Source | Timeframe | Geographies Available | Former QuickFacts Variable Name |
Average Household Size | American Community Survey | 5-year | USA, State, DC, County | Persons per household |
Employer Establishments | U.S. Census Bureau | 1-year | USA, State, DC, County | Female persons, percent |
Female Population | U.S. Census Bureau | 5-year | USA, State, DC, County | In civilian labor force, female, percent of population age 16 years+ |
Female Population 16+ in Civilian Labor Force | American Community Survey | 1-year | USA, State, DC, County | Men-owned firms |
Foreign Born Persons | American Community Survey | 5-year | USA, State, DC, County | Owner-occupied housing unit rate |
Homeownership | American Community Survey | 5-year | USA, State, DC, County, Census Place (City), Zip Code, Census Tract | Households |
Households | American Community Survey | 1-year | USA, State, DC, County | Housing units |
Housing Units | U.S. Census Bureau | 1-year | USA, State, DC, County | - |
Male Population | U.S. Census Bureau | 5-year | USA, State, DC, County | Mean travel time to work (minutes), workers age 16 years+ |
Mean Travel Time to Work | American Community Survey | 5-year | USA, State, DC, County, Census Place (City), Zip Code, Census Tract | Median gross rent |
Median Household Gross Rent | American Community Survey | 5-year | USA, State, DC, County | Median household income (in 2015 dollars) |
Median Household Income | American Community Survey | 5-year | USA, State, DC, County, Census Place (City), Zip Code, Census Tract | Median value of owner-occupied housing units |
Median Housing Unit Value | American Community Survey | 5-year | USA, State, DC, County | Median selected monthly owner costs -without a mortgage |
Median Monthly Owner Costs for Households without a Mortgage | American Community Survey | 5-year | USA, State, DC, County | Median selected monthly owner costs -with a mortgage |
Mortgaged Owners Median Monthly Household Costs | American Community Survey | 5-year | USA, State, DC, County | Bachelor's degree or higher, percent of persons age 25 years+ |
People 25+ with a Bachelor's Degree or Higher | American Community Survey | 5-year | USA, State, DC, County, Census Place (City), Zip Code, Census Tract | High school graduate or higher, percent of persons age 25 years+ |
People 25+ with a High School Degree or Higher | American Community Survey | 5-year | USA, State, DC, County, Census Place (City), Zip Code, Census Tract | Persons in poverty, percent |
People Living Below Poverty Level | American Community Survey | 5-year | USA, State, DC, County, Census Place (City), Zip Code, Census Tract | Per capita income in past 12 months (in 2015 dollars) |
Per Capita Income | American Community Survey | 1-year | USA, State, DC, County, Census Place (City), Zip Code, Census Tract | Population per square mile |
Persons with a Disability (5-year)* | American Community Survey | 1-year | USA, State, DC, County, Census Place (City), Zip Code, Census Tract | Persons without health insurance, under age 65 years |
Persons with Health Insurance** | American Community Survey | 5-year | USA, State, DC, County | In civilian labor force, total, percent of population age 16 years+ |
Population 16+ in Civilian Labor Force | American Community Survey | 5-year | USA, State, DC, County | Language other than English spoken at home, percent of persons age 5 years+ |
Population age 5+ with language other than English spoken at home | U.S. Census Bureau | 1-year | USA, State, DC, County | American Indian and Alaska Native alone, percent |
Population American Indian and Alaska Native | U.S. Census Bureau | 1-year | USA, State, DC, County | Asian alone, percent |
Population Asian | U.S. Census Bureau | 1-year | USA, State, DC, County | Black or African American alone, percent |
Population Black or African American | U.S. Census Bureau | 1-year | USA, State, DC, County | Hispanic or Latino, percent |
Population Hispanic or Latino | U.S. Census Bureau | 1-year | USA, State, DC, County | Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, percent |
Population Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander | U.S. Census Bureau | 1-year | USA, State, DC, County | Persons 65 years and over, percent |
Population Over Age 65 | U.S. Census Bureau | 1-year | USA, State, DC, County | Two or More Races, percent |
Population Two or More Races | U.S. Census Bureau | 1-year | USA, State, DC, County | Persons under 18 years, percent |
Population Under Age 18 | U.S. Census Bureau | 1-year | USA, State, DC, County | Persons under 5 years, percent |
Population Under Age 5 | U.S. Census Bureau | 1-year | USA, State, DC, County | White alone, percent |
Population White | U.S. Census Bureau | 1-year | USA, State, DC, County | White alone, not Hispanic or Latino |
Population White (Not Hispanic or Latino) | U.S. Census Bureau | 1-year | USA, State, DC, County | Total employer establishments |
Total Employment | U.S. Census - County Business Patterns | 1-year | USA, State, DC, County | Total employment |
Total Employment Change | U.S. Census - County Business Patterns | 2-year | USA, State, DC, County | Total employment, percent change |
Total Population | U.S. Census Bureau | 1-year | USA, State, DC, County | Population estimates |
Veteran Population | American Community Survey | 5-year | USA, State, DC, County, Census Place (City), Zip Code, Census Tract | Veterans |
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: When I look around the U.S. Census Bureau website I can find data for zip codes and census tracts - why do only some of the indicators on my site have data for sub-county locales?
A: With so much data out there, we strive to create a curated experience that includes the most useful data for you to make decisions without getting overwhelmed in the process. We chose to include the indicators and time periods included in the U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts page as a way to show the most important facts and figures. Because of this, some variables use a single-year measurement period while others use a 5-year measurement period. Single-year measurements are good for tracking things that may change from year to year, but data is only available at the county level. Five-year measurements allow for sub-county calculations but don't provide the same level of insights as a single year.
Q: Our dashboard references the U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts website but when I look at the indicator detail page, the source indicates something else.
A: QuickFacts is a page on the U.S. Census Bureau website that pulls in the most important demographic variables from a variety of U.S. Census Bureau sources such as the American Community Survey, the Economic Census, and the survey for County Business Patterns.
Q: Why do many of the demographic indicators have blue comparisons arrows, instead of red or green?
A: Many of the indicators on the demographics dashboard are non-directional, which means that it can't be determined whether a high number or percentage is considered good or bad or whether or low number or percentage can be considered good or bad. Several of these indicators are related to population characteristics (e.g. Female Population); therefore, due to factors that play into the indicator value, it is best to not say that a higher or lower value than the comparison is good or bad.
Q: Why do some of the indicators not have a comparison to the state or U.S. value?
A: Some of the demographics indicators are counts; this means that they are not percentages or rates and are instead raw numbers (i.e. Total Employment is the raw count of paid employees). Since these values are not percentages, they are not comparable to locales of different types or sizes (i.e., a county is not comparable to a state) because the state by nature of being a larger locale will have a larger raw count. We exclude state and U.S. value comparisons for indicators that display data as counts.
Q: What do I do if I think a missing indicator should be included in this dashboard?
A: Contact us!