On the platform you may see several different types of icons and gauges to show how your community compares to other locations. Scroll to the end of the article to find and download any of the icons.
The gauge represents the distribution of communities reporting the data, and tells you how you compare to other communities. Keep in mind that in some cases, high values are "good" and sometimes high values are "bad."
All icons are color coded so that Green=Good, Red=Bad and Blue=Neutral
These thumbs appear when a users enables colorblind mode. If no thumb appears, it means the value is neutral or not statistically significant.
Compare to Distribution (Dial Gauge)
The compare to distribution gauge measures how your community is doing compared to other communities in your state, the U.S. or region. The needle in the green means that the selected location is in the best 50% of similar locations, yellow represents the 50th to 25th percentile and red represents the worst quartile.
Compare to Target (Circle Gauge)
The Circle represents a comparison to a target value.
A green circle with a check means that the selected value has met or is better than the target value. A red circle with an "x" means that the selected value has not met the target value.
Compare to a Value (Diamond Gauge)
The diamond represents a comparison to a single value. If the arrow points below the line, it means the selected value is lower than the comparison value. If the arrow points above the line, it means the selected value is higher than the comparison value. If there is an equal sign it means there is no difference between the selected value and the comparison value.
Compare to the Prior Value (Triangle Gauge)
The triangle represents a comparison to the immediate prior value. If the triangle is pointing up, the value is higher than the previous value, if the triangle points down the value is decreasing and if there is an equal sign there is no change in the value. If the triangle is green it means the change is good, if the triangle is red it means the change is bad.
Trend over Time (Square Gauge)
The square represents a comparison to a trend over time. The trend looks at how the indicator is doing over multiple time periods. We analyze up to 10 previous measurement periods (and at least 4) to determine if the value is going up significantly, not significantly, staying the same, decreasing significantly or decreasing not significantly. A solid color gauge means that the change is significant and an outlined gauge means there is a change but it is not significant. A red gauge represents a poor trend and a green gauge represents a positive trend. The blue gauge with an arrow means that going up or down is neither positive or negative and an equal sign means there is no change.
To learn more about how we calculate this rate, please visit the Mann-Kendall Test for Trend Overview.
Other Icons
The calendar shows the time period when this data was collected.