Issues with loading? Layout? Font? Menus? Perhaps it's not your site! What may seem to be an issue with your site may be nothing more than an issue with your web browser.
Listed below are a few quick tricks that may solve your browser's common malfunctions.
1. Clear the browser cache
In general, clearing the cache is a good place to start when troubleshooting issues in the browser.
To increase speed, web browsers download web pages and store them locally in the browser cache. When a site is visited a second time the browser speeds up the display time by loading the page from the local cache rather than repeating the initial download. Clearing the cache memory ensures that the most recent version of the site gets loaded into the browser.
Depending on your organization's internet configuration, your browser's cache may be stored locally on your machine or it may be stored on a proxy server. If locally, then clearing the cache for your browser is a simple process that will be explained in detail in your browser's documentation. If your cache is stored on a proxy server, consult your IT department about the potential need to refresh the proxy cache.
Please see this article on how to clear your cache in Google Chrome.
2. Check browser ZOOM level
Make sure your browser zoom is set to 100%. Zooming higher or lower within the browser may lead to issues. If you need to zoom in, use your operating system's global zoom feature rather than the zoom feature in your browser.
3. Check your organization's internal firewall
Firewalls designed to protect your organization's internal network may be inadvertently causing connection issues. Check with your IT department.
4. Problems with Internet Explorer? Turn off Compatibility View.
Compatibility View is a feature that helps Internet Explorer display older websites. Modern websites, however, sometimes have problems related to Compatibility View. If sections of your site are misaligned, malformed, or even missing, the culprit may be Internet Explorer's Compatibility View. To determine if this is your issue, disable Compatibility View and recheck your site.
This article tells how to fix display issues in IE 11.
Your organization's IT department may be using Group Policy to control the settings of all browsers in your organization. If this is the case, you may not have access to your browser's Compatibility View settings. Instead, you'll need to contact your IT department to help you determine whether Compatibility View is the cause of your site's issues.