Conduent’s Health Equity Index (formerly SocioNeeds Index®) was first developed in 2014 based on available indicators with correlations to preventable hospitalizations and premature deaths. In 2022, Conduent HCI updated our methodology for the index to consider our current library of indicators with a broadened health equity lens and more holistic view of health. We also wanted to assess the statistical strength of the original Health Equity Index methodology based on the most current data available.
As a result, validation of the index was expanded to include self-reported poor health and well-being as an outcome indicator. Based on a rigorous analysis of indicators available at all geographic levels (i.e., county, zip code, census tract), beginning in 2022, Conduent’s Health Equity Index methodology includes component indicators related to income, poverty, employment, education, language, Medicaid enrollment, and race. This methodology change provides improved correlation between the index and preventable hospitalizations, premature death, and self-reported poor health and well-being.